04/15/24 - 151.1 - Enhancements

04/15/24 - 151.1 - Enhancements

Case #


Case #



We have updated how time entries are edited when a day has multiple transactions and the user selects Edit Time.

  • A new “Time Entries for day/date” pop-up window displays and the user will need to select the Edit (pencil) icon. The Activity, Cost Code, Pay Code, and Shift Code (if using) fields will be read-only. Only the time entry being edited is shown in the Edit window. We will no longer show all entries with the same key segments (activity, cost code, pay code, shift).

  • The time entry can be deleted on the pop-up window by selecting the Delete (trash can) icon.

  • Users can also create a new time entry from the pop-up by selecting the Add (plus) button.



If the day has only one time transaction, the edit window displays as usual and the user can edit any of the fields.


We’ve updated the Sync Failure email to include the environment name in the email subject line. The recipients are set up in Setting up Admin Notifications.

The body of the email includes:

  • Company Name

  • Integration Sync ID

  • Error message(s) related to the synchronization failure