Working with Users

Working with Users

The Users page is accessed by choosing the Users icon in the navigation pane.

The page is divided into two tables:

  • The top section displays the users who have been invited to join the company. If a user has a user account already set up, their name will appear in the FULL NAME column.
  • The lower section displays the users who have joined the company.

An administrator cannot edit their own user account, only another Admin user can do this. A user with access to the Admin area cannot edit their own user and/or role.

Inviting a User to join a Company

  1. From Admin, choose the Users icon from the navigation bar.
  2. Choose the Add icon on the lower right.
  3. In the Invite User to Company pane, enter the User's email address and choose their user Role.
  4. Choose CREATE.
    • If the User does not have an account set up, the user:
      • Receives an email invitation with a SIGN UP hyperlink.
      • Will need to sign up for an account. The user's account will be verified and an email is sent when the account is active.
      • The user can then log in.
    • If the user does have an account, the user:
      • Receives an email indicating that they have access to the Company.
      • Will see the Company in their account after they sign in.

Resending an invitation

If a user who does not have an account has not accepted the invitation, you can resend the invitation from the Users page.

  1. From Admin, choose the USERS icon from the navigation bar.
  2. The top section of the page lists the users who have not accepted their invitation.
  3. Choose the ellipsis button to the right of the user.

Changing a User's Role

  1. From Admin, choose the Users icon from the navigation bar.
  2. Choose the ellipsis button to the right of the User and then choose Manage User.
  3. Choose a different Role.
  4. Choose SAVE.

Removing a User's Company access

There may be an occasion to remove or revoke a User's access to a Company. Only Admin users have access to this capability.

Users cannot remove themselves from a Company or delete their User Account.

  1. From Admin, choose the Users icon from the navigation bar.
  2. Choose the ellipsis button to the right of the user and then choose Remove User.
  3. The Company will no longer appear in the User's overview.