Case # | Description |
SCHED-1387 | You can now exclude Bill Only Locations from the Customer Hub. We've added two options that you can use. Locations can be marked as Bill Only in the Signature Location window. (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Cards > Sales > Customers > Location)
SCHED-1393 | You can now set up the icons to display for service call types on the Map View in the Configuration section in Schedule Settings. Icon images and names can be found at Enter the name exactly as it is displayed. For example, for a handshake icon, enter handshake-o. The colors for each icon can be set up in the Service Call Icon Colors section. You will need to select Use Service Call Type. |
SCHED-1394 Ideas Portal | You can now assign a color to each technician so that their icons display by color on the map. The colors are assigned in Schedule Settings in the Colors section. In the example below, Alan Flint was assigned a different color. The default color for all employees is bright orange (#ef6b25). You can edit the color by selecting the color field and then either entering the hex code, HSL (hue, saturation, and luminosity), or RBG (red, blue, green) values or you can select a color in the chart. See Setting Up Schedule Colors. |
SCHED-1680 Ideas Portal | We've added the technician's telephone number to their Resource Detail window that is accessed from the Resources list on the Schedule Board. See Viewing Resource Details. |
SCHED-1704 | From the Customer Hub, users can now see notes added at the Customer and Location level in Signature. The notes cannot be added or edited in Schedule. The examples below are for the customer level note. The Location note is added in Signature at the location level. The note is displayed in the Customer Hub on the Location tab. In Schedule, the note displays on the Customer tab in the Customer Hub. This note is display-only. |
SCHED-1715 | Users can no longer delete ALL appointments on a service call in Schedule. A service call must have at least one appointment, which is the same functionality in Signature.
See Delete a Block of Appointments and Viewing/Editing Service Appointment Details. |
SCHED-1781 Ideas Portal | Users can now override the global Show Job Panel setup option from the User Settings tab in their User Profile.
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