Upgrade System and Company Databases
Upgrade System and Company Databases
- On the Welcome to Signature Utilities window, select a server and enter a password. Select OK.
- On the Company Login window, select a company and select OK.
- Select Yes to the message prompting you to update database objects. You must update objects to access Signature products.
- If you have a backup of your database objects, select Continue when you are prompted to create a backup. If you do not have a backup, select Cancel. Back up your data, then resume the installation process through Signature Utilities.
On the Install Companies window, select the system database to install. You must install the system database before installing company databases.
Note: You can use the Ctrl key to select the system database and company database(s) at the same time. The system database will be installed first, followed by the company database(s). For a successful installation, do NOT attempt to process more than 10 company databases at once.
- Select the company databases to install.
- Select Begin Process. If you have Fabrikam, Inc. selected as a company to install, you will be asked if you want to install Signature sample data. This is the only opportunity you have to install sample data. Progress bars appear. This process may take some time depending on the number of companies and amount of data you have. If you have multiple companies, you MUST select to install Signature products on ALL companies, or add new companies after completing the installation. If you select not to update companies during the installation, you will be prompted to install database objects. You must respond Yes to this prompt. If you add new companies later, you must launch WS Utilities and run the SQL Update option. If problems occur during the installation, the Signature SQL Installation window will display the errors. Record the errors and contact WennSoft Support. Once the errors are corrected, select Exit and restart Signature Utilities by dragging the WSUTIL.set file over the Dynamics.exe file and choosing File Maintenance Utilities > Signature > SQL Update. When the process has completed successfully, Complete appears next to the Currently Installing Company and Overall Progress fields on the Install Company window.
- Exit Signature Utilities to complete the installation.