Scanning a Device for Objects

Scanning a Device for Objects

  1. With Configuration Explorer open, choose a device to scan for objects.
  2. Choose the Scan button on the toolbar.  

  3. Choose the Value column header cell to sort. It is a good policy to sort the object list by the Value column.  

  4. Review the values, looking first for non-valid values such as NaN or blanks.
  5. Optionally, choose Export to save the object list to an Excel spreadsheet for a copy and review.
  6. Make note of objects that return a Text data type. Some of these will require a Point Conversion so that Templates will correctly function. In particular the Occupancy object and output status objects. These are used in Templated Analytics. Examples are: Fan Status, Heat Status, Compressor Status, Heat Cool Mode etc.  

  7. The exact spelling of the active state including capitalization is required. In the example above, the correct spelling to use in these Point Conversions is the text "true".
  8. Choose the objects to add to the database. 

    Do NOT select objects that contain NaN or blank values.
    Keep in mind that you may add more objects than you intend to trend. Objects selected here are available to examine with the Dynamic Explorer.
  9. Once you have selected all the objects where either Dynamic viewing or trending is desired, then choose Save and Close.