Mapping Device Classes and Features

Mapping Device Classes and Features

Assign the Device Class

  1. With Configuration Explorer open, expand the Profiles node in the navigation tree.
  2. Choose the profile to apply a Device class.
  3. Choose Properties from the Tool bar or right-click on the profile name and choose Properties from the drop-down.
  4. The Profile Editor General Settings tab window opens.
  5. Choose the Device Class from the drop-down and then choose OK.

The Features Drop-Down

The Features drop-down provides access to select options the selected Device Class may contain. The selection of additional Features will result in additional point mapping. If Point Mapping was completed prior to the addition of Features, the user must reapply Point Mapping.

Choose the Mapping button to open the Template Mapping window. This window provides the user a tool to gauge the accuracy of the matching of Profile Objects to Template objects.
The Template Mapping window contains two columns of point names.

  • The right column named Profile Object contains the names of the objects discovered when the device was scanned.
  • The left column named Template Object contains the names of the objects that are used inside Templated analytics.

Carefully review each row for correctness.