Service Call Quotes

Service Call Quotes

Use the optional Service Call Quote module to create service call quotes. A service call quote is an estimated billing amount for service work. Service Management offers two types of service call quotes: fixed and not-to-exceed (NTE).

  • On a fixed quote, the invoice billing amount is determined by applying a markup percentage to the estimated costs. Actual costs aren't used to determine the billing amount. The billing amounts per cost category cannot be exceeded. 
  • With NTE quotes, the invoice billing amount is determined by applying the location's price matrix to actual costs, up to the NTE amount. When the NTE amount is reached, total billing must equal the NTE amount and cannot be adjusted. Service call quotes do not use tax information when calculating billing amounts.

We designed service call quotes to work with active tasks. That is, you assign estimated costs to a task. The task is then assigned to a service call. Once all tasks are assigned, you create a quote. The tasks' estimated costs flow to the quote where a markup is applied to calculate the billing amount for the call.

You can use service call quotes without using tasks; however, you must manually enter estimated costs.

The Service Call Quote module is an optional module. You cannot use the Service Call Quote module if you are using SOP invoicing in Service Management. For purchasing information, contact WennSoft Sales.

A service call quote cannot be created for an inactive customer or location.

See also: